Federal and State Grants Manual Workshop (ESSER)
- ESC Region 13
- 6 CPE Credits
- Free
Achieving Grant Management Success: Strategies for Updating and Enhancing Your Written Procedures
Join us for an interactive in-person working session to gain a deeper understanding of the required written federal grant management procedures and important updates. Our knowledgeable facilitator, Rebecca Estrada of TASBO, will guide you through the process of updating and enhancing your current policies and procedures based on the latest EDGAR changes.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the necessary updates to your current grant management procedures based on the latest EDGAR changes.
- Collaborate with your team to create and/or revise written state and federal grants financial procedures.
- Explore strategies for streamlining and enhancing grant management processes.
- Increase efficiency and compliance by implementing updated procedures.
- Utilize the TASBO State and Federal Grants Manual as a valuable resource for grant management.
A mandatory prerequisite for attending this workshop is that your LEA has purchased the TASBO State and Federal Grants (EDGAR) Manual, which contains customizable templates. If you do not already have this manual, it will be available for purchase from TASBO at a discounted price. There is not a prerequisite for your LEA to have attended the associated training. We will conduct this deep-dive working session with our guest facilitator, Rebecca Estrada, from TASBO, a previous CFO for Lackland ISD for 19 years, who has held numerous positions and awards within TASBO throughout her career. She regularly presents throughout the state on both finance topics and ESSER topics and she also has served as a facilitator for the ESC R13 principal and superintendent certification programs. Becky has been the primary creator for the TASBO State and Federal Grants (EDGAR) manual. She will provide full-day support for this working session along with members from ESSER technical assistance, the Business Managers Academy (BMA), and the Business Managers Consortium (BMC).
Please bring your laptop or portable device to actively participate in this working session, as we work towards creating streamlined, efficient, and required state and federal grants financial procedures. This workshop is designed for a team effort, so please have key decision makers from your LEA in attendance to make the most of this opportunity.
You can be prepared to participate in this working session by:
- Verifying access to your LEA’s copy of TASBO’s State and Federal Grants (EDGAR) Manual
- Knowing where and how to access your local policies and procedures
- Having access to your current written grant and financial procedures
- Having key decision making team members in attendance together at this meeting
- Bringing a portable monitor for shared team viewing of documents as you actively work together
Recommendation for who should attend from your LEA: We recommend you have a team attendance of the key stakeholders involved in the financial and grant management requirements. This could include your federal program/grant manager/director, your business manager or CFO, your accounting clerk or the person responsible for your drawdown requests, your procurement or purchasing staff, some HR personnel and/or a superintendent responsible for approving and authorizing these activities.
**Special note: If your LEA is not verified as having met the prerequisite requirement, then you will be given the opportunity to purchase the TASBO State and Federal Grants (EDGAR) Manual with customizable templates at a discounted price. For any questions please contact sherry.harris@esc13.txed.net or restrada@tasbo.org.**