Systems for School Leaders Professional Development Series

  • ESC Region 13
  • 4 CPE Credits

As a school leader, your role in supporting student learning is critical, but it can be challenging to balance instructional leadership with managerial tasks that can steal precious time. That's where proactive and efficient systems come in! By establishing these systems on your campus, you can regain control of your time and provide the support and coaching your students need.

Systems to Get Out of Your Office and Into the Classroom

July 31, 2024 | 8:30 AM–12:30 PM

A one-time, 4-hour training to learn more deeply about a specific system that impacts day-to-day operations on a campus: delegation, calendaring, or communication. In this training, you will analyze the effectiveness of the current systems on your campus, learn effective practices supported by current research, problem-solve, and determine a plan of implementation for your campus. The training will be offered in person at ESC Region 13.

Three Systems Follow-Up Coaching

An ongoing coaching cycle of 3-5 sessions for school leaders. In these sessions, you will have 1:1 coaching support in which we will work with you, the school leader and your campus leadership team to make improvements in your systems of delegation, calendaring, and communication on your campus. We will analyze current campus data related to these systems, problem solve together and determine a targets implementation plan to effectively improve on these systems.

Available by Request