Restorative Practices School-wide Implementation - Team Training

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  • Austin (Main Campus)
  • 12 CPE Credits
  • $1,000

Accountability, Behavior, and Community let Restorative Practices flip the script of traditional behavior management. Focus on community building and developing solid relationships, not just punishment. With Restorative Practices in the classroom, you challenge your students to understand how their actions affect others and why they might have taken those actions. By doing this, you focus on repairing social injury and damage and empowering students to be their best.

Our Restorative Practices service is a practical approach for educators interested in implementing a behavioral process that proactively builds positive school communities while dramatically reducing discipline referrals, suspensions, and expulsions.

Join us for two days of team training to help launch your Restorative Practices initiative on your campus. The training will focus on:

  • Restorative Practices overview
  • 11 essential elements with a focus on school-wide and classroom component
  • The team will develop a comprehensive action plan for implementing restorative school-wide, including how restorative fits within the campus’s MTSS framework, SMART goals, and desired outcomes.