Why Educators are Choosing Region 13

Here's how we're supporting educators across Texas

A Community of Educators
Our company of over 200+ people is filled with former, and current, superintendents, special education specialists, principals, school nurses, behavior specialists, coaches, teachers, and educational staff members of all types. We know the challenges and joys of education because we’ve been there before. Whether you’re a superintendent holding a district together or a school nurse keeping your students healthy, we’re here to help.

Professional Development you Can Count On
Our specialists work every single day to bring you the highest quality professional development out there. From supporting your classroom management goals to understanding the technicalities of school accountability or special education compliance. All of our workshops, conferences, online courses, and trainings are research designed and full of the best practice strategies you’ll need to ensure success.

Campus Support When You Need it Most
We collaborate with campuses and districts throughout the region to provide on campus support when you need it most. Our specialists drive thousands of miles each week to visit with campuses, train campus staff members, and support the unique programs happening across our region. We’re also available year round for support, whether that’s quick tips through emails, or video calls to discuss and debrief, we’re here for you.

Educational Resources and Products that Work
We create free educational resources and paid products that are made for educators, by educators. We work with experts in the field to create high quality resources and products that make life easier and boost the effectiveness of all types of educators. Whether you’re looking for fun and engaging classroom strategies or detailed breakdowns of Special Education or the A-F Accountability system, we’re always working to ensure your students’ success.