About Education Service Center Region 13

Who We Are
We Serve Texas' Educational Needs
Education Service Center Region 13 is one of twenty service centers that serve Texas’ educational needs. We are a non-regulatory agency; our relationship with school districts is collaborative and supportive. Our purpose is to aid teachers and administrators in their role as educators of our children. We serve as a liaison between the Texas Education Agency and the local school districts and the schools they serve by disseminating information, conducting training and consultation for both federal and state programs.

Our Vision
Region 13 will positively affect the future by leading educational innovation.

Our Mission
Foster collaborative leadership and provide quality products and services that ensure student success and operational efficiency.

Our Goal
High standards of excellence through leadership, responsiveness to client needs, and quality products that improve student performance.
Our History
Over 50 years of service
The regional service centers are public institutions created and authorized by the Texas Legislature. In 1965, the Legislature authorized the State Board of Education to establish regional media centers by 1967. That same year, the U. S. Congress passed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to provide funds for supplementary educational centers.
Texas is divided into twenty regions with each region having its own education service center. Region 13 Education Service Center was established in August 1967. Region 13 opened with a staff of three and now has more than 190 people. We continue to grow to accommodate challenges and needs in the education field.