School Board Training
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The Texas Education Code states, "the State Board of Education shall provide a training course for independent school district trustees to be offered by the regional education service centers." We work with your school board members to offer up custom school board training that satisfies this requirement and is open to any interested party, including current and prospective board members.
View TEA Board Training Requirements
Tier 1 of the Texas Education Code Orientation is a three-hour training acquainting new school board members with legislative updates. We also familiarize veteran school board members with the Texas Education Code changes stemming from the most recent actions of the Texas Legislature.
During Tier 2 training, you'll get three hours of team building to improve your existing team skills and develop board/superintendent leadership abilities. The training is designed for full board participation and includes annual team development needs assessments. You can also customize your Tier 2 training to meet the unique needs of your school board members or superintendent teams.
Tier 3 provides customized training based on your developmental needs identified in Tier 2. New members must receive ten hours of Tier 3 continuing education during their first year of service. Experienced members must earn five hours of training each year.
Our Tier 4 training provides support for Evaluating and Improving Student Outcomes (EISO). This training must include goal setting, monitoring, and accountability content that supports the oversight role of the board.
Tier 1: Legislative Updates
Tier 1 of the Texas Education Code Orientation is a three-hour training acquainting new school board members with legislative updates. We also familiarize veteran school board members with the Texas Education Code changes stemming from the most recent actions of the Texas Legislature.
88th Texas Legislative UpdateOnline, Self-Guided, $75. |
Texas Education Code Orientation for NEW Texas School Board of Trustee MembersOnline, Self-Guided, $75. Registration closes 5/31/2025.This course fulfills the requirement in the Texas Education Code (TEC) that a newly elected board member of an independent school district receives the orientation to the TEC within the first year of service. Learn More/Register |
Tier 2: Team Building
During Tier 2 training, you’ll get three hours of team building to improve your existing team skills and develop boards/superintendent leadership abilities. The training is designed for full board participation and includes annual team development needs assessments. You can also customize your Tier 2 training to meet the unique needs of your school board members or superintendent teams. Tier 2 Team Building Training can be a topic of the board's choice, including any trainings listed under Tier 3: Customized Training below.
The Governance Core: School Boards, Superintendents, and Schools Working TogetherDavis Campbell and Michael Fullan Contact Millie Klein or Rich Elsasser for more information. |
Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take ActionSimon SinekEntrepreneur Simon Sinek “hit rock bottom” in late 2005. He had started his own consulting business in 2002, but three years later, he ran out of passion. Dead-ended, Sinek thought about what made him happy. He wondered why some leaders and companies succeeded and others do not. He realized that inspirational leaders identify a purpose and follow it. The actions they take and what they make is secondary to achieving their mission. Sinek calls this leadership process the “Golden Circle”: It starts with a vision (the “Why”), then moves to implementation (the “How”), and then conquers the product or service (the “What”). Unfortunately, many leaders have this pattern backward. They first focus on what they do and how; then they try to differentiate their product based on price, quality or features. Although Sinek isn’t subtle about his message, his approach is recommended for executives, managers, leaders and those who seek to rediscover their passion. The training is based on the book Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action. The book is based on business practices but it easily translated to school leadership. Contact Millie Klein or Rich Elsasser for more information. |
Taking Charge of ChangePaul ShoemakerWho are rebuilders? According to author and social change expert Paul Shoemaker, they are leaders who effectively address the socioeconomic problems and system shortfalls that beleaguer an increasingly divided United States. He identifies five abilities these leaders need to navigate these challenges: bring people together, embrace change and ambiguity, interpret and apply data, manage crises, and forge new paths for progress. Shoemaker shows how, in a time of upheaval and uncertainty, rebuilders can bring about positive change in a variety of industries and for a range of causes. The training is based on the book Taking Charge of Change. The book is based on business practices, but it easily translated to school leadership. Contact Millie Klein or Rich Elsasser for more information. |
Powers and Duties of Trustees and SuperintendentThis session highlights the powers and duties of trustees and superintendent with the board's focus on oversight of management, policymaking, planning, and evaluation, and the superintendent's focus on implementation and managing day-to-day operations. This training is based on The Texas Education Code, Title 2, Subtitle C, Chapter 11, Subchapter A, which includes laws and rules passed by the state legislature. References to local policies are discussed. This session can serve as a refresher to the powers and duties or can assist to provide guidance and direction.Contact Millie Klein or Rich Elsasser for more information. |
Nine Effective Communication SkillsJ. TaylorThe ability to communicate effectively is an essential skill in today's world. Communication is a dynamic process and how you communicate can positively and negatively affect the relationships you have in your work and life. The session discusses the following topics: What is Communication? Five Barriers to Effective Communication, Nine Effective Communication Skills and an Engaging Feedback Checklist. The process of giving or receiving feedback places us in a vulnerable position. The feedback checklist provides insight so that feedback is constructive and honest. The training offers reminders of best practices and focuses on the importance of developing and maintaining strong relationships. The topics discussed can help support communication between the Team of Eight and the superintendent. The training is based on an article by J. Taylor. Contact Millie Klein or Rich Elsasser for more information. |
Tier 3: Customized Training
Tier 3 provides customized training based on your developmental needs identified in Tier 2. New members must receive ten hours of Tier 3 continuing education during their first year of service. Experienced members must earn five hours of training each year.
The Governance Core: School Boards, Superintendents, and Schools Working TogetherDavis Campbell and Michael FullanThe Governance Core captures not only the nature of the challenges but also the characteristics of highly successful school board trustees and superintendents working together. Campbell and Fullan don’t lecture or preach, and they don’t just give the traditional lists of dos and don’ts (although there are a few of those). The Governance Core goes much deeper into the heart of effective governance. The training focuses on four essential characteristics of the governance mindset outlined in the book—systems thinking, strategic focus, deep learning, and managing public manner. The training has two parts and is ideal for a series of trainings around governance. This training is suited for superintendents and school boards who are interested in reflection and engaging in conversations around school governance. The training is based on the book The Governance Core. Part 1 - Mindsets for Efficacy a. Moral Imperative and the Governance Core b. Trustee Governance Mindset c. Superintendent Governance Mindset d. Welcoming New Trustees Part 2 – Governing for Efficacy a. Governing with Coherence b. Governance Culture c. The Governance Job: Systems Thinking and Strategic Action d. Governance Tools Contact Millie Klein or Rich Elsasser for more information. |
Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take ActionSimon SinekEntrepreneur Simon Sinek “hit rock bottom” in late 2005. He had started his own consulting business in 2002, but three years later, he ran out of passion. Dead-ended, Sinek thought about what made him happy. He wondered why some leaders and companies succeeded and others do not. He realized that inspirational leaders identify a purpose and follow it. The actions they take and what they make is secondary to achieving their mission. Sinek calls this leadership process the “Golden Circle”: It starts with a vision (the “Why”), then moves to implementation (the “How”), and then conquers the product or service (the “What”). Unfortunately, many leaders have this pattern backward. They first focus on what they do and how; then they try to differentiate their product based on price, quality or features. Although Sinek isn’t subtle about his message, his approach is recommended for executives, managers, leaders and those who seek to rediscover their passion. The training is based on the book Start With Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone To Take Action. The book is based on business practices but it easily translated to school leadership. Contact Millie Klein or Rich Elsasser for more information. |
Taking Charge of ChangePaul ShoemakerWho are rebuilders? According to author and social change expert Paul Shoemaker, they are leaders who effectively address the socioeconomic problems and system shortfalls that beleaguer an increasingly divided United States. He identifies five abilities these leaders need to navigate these challenges: bring people together, embrace change and ambiguity, interpret and apply data, manage crises, and forge new paths for progress. Shoemaker shows how, in a time of upheaval and uncertainty, rebuilders can bring about positive change in a variety of industries and for a range of causes. The training is based on the book Taking Charge of Change. The book is based on business practices, but it easily translated to school leadership. Contact Millie Klein or Rich Elsasser for more information. |
Powers and Duties of Trustees and SuperintendentThis session highlights the powers and duties of trustees and superintendent with the board's focus on oversight of management, policymaking, planning, and evaluation, and the superintendent's focus on implementation and managing day-to-day operations. This training is based on The Texas Education Code, Title 2, Subtitle C, Chapter 11, Subchapter A, which includes laws and rules passed by the state legislature. References to local policies are discussed. This session can serve as a refresher to the powers and duties or can assist to provide guidance and direction.Contact Millie Klein or Rich Elsasser for more information. |
Nine Effective Communication SkillsJ. TaylorThe ability to communicate effectively is an essential skill in today's world. Communication is a dynamic process and how you communicate can positively and negatively affect the relationships you have in your work and life. The session discusses the following topics: What is Communication? Five Barriers to Effective Communication, Nine Effective Communication Skills and an Engaging Feedback Checklist. The process of giving or receiving feedback places us in a vulnerable position. The feedback checklist provides insight so that feedback is constructive and honest. The training offers reminders of best practices and focuses on the importance of developing and maintaining strong relationships. The topics discussed can help support communication between the Team of Eight and the superintendent. The training is based on an article by J. Taylor. Contact Millie Klein or Rich Elsasser for more information. |
Human and Sexual Trafficking Awareness for Texas Board of Trustee MembersOnline, Self-Guided, $25This course fulfills the requirement (HB 403) that Texas school board members complete one hour of training every two years on identifying and reporting potential victims of sexual abuse, human trafficking, and abuse and neglect of children. Contact Millie Klein or Rich Elsasser for more information. |
Superintendent Goal SettingMany superintendents might agree that there just aren’t enough hours in a day. And because of this, goal setting is a task that may get put on the back burner. After all superintendents are busy dealing with changes imposed by the state, staff meetings, parents, teachers, and budget meetings. However, goal setting is such an important exercise for professional growth and improvement, and it should not be overlooked. Professional goal setting is an important exercise that requires a commitment to continuous improvement; it sets a precedence and a means to look back and track your success. This training session will engage board members and the superintendent in developing superintendent goals and outcomes. Contact Millie Klein or Rich Elsasser for more information. |
Superintendent Appraisal ProcessThe need to effectively evaluate the superintendent of schools annually is not only a fundamental responsibility of the boards that employ them, but it is also legally required. If the superintendent of schools is to receive a fair evaluation, and if the evaluation is to contribute to her or his success and to the overall effectiveness of the school system, then special consideration must be given to designing, developing, and implementing a relevant, comprehensive, and high-quality performance evaluation system that provides accurate, specific feedback. This informative session provides and overview of the superintendent appraisal process and laws. Contact Millie Klein or Rich Elsasser for more information. |
Beliefs, Vision, Mission, Priorities and GoalsStrategic leaders need to ensure that their organizations have three types of aims. A vision states what the organization aspires to become in the future. A mission reflects the organization’s past and present by stating why the organization exists and what role it plays in society. Goals are the more specific aims that organizations pursue to reach their vision and mission. The best goals are SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time bound. This session is highly interactive and will provide the opportunity for the Team of Eight to develop beliefs, vision, mission, and priority statements. Based on the statements developed the board/superintendent/staff will have the necessary information to develop goals.Contact Millie Klein or Rich Elsasserfor more information. |
Communication TipsGood communication skills are essential in any organization. Communicating effectively is more than just sharing your ideas. It requires attention to body language, tone and other factors that impact communication. Effective communication requires ongoing attention and practice. Contact Millie Klein or Rich Elsasser for more information. |
Leading in Turbulent TimesToo often in times of turbulence the temptation is to “batten down the hatches” and seek safety by focusing on what can be controlled. Typically, that means turning inward and acting “defensively” to avoid damage and minimize risk. Caution and prudence, like most other leadership behaviors, are useful only in conjunction with the exercise of good judgment. In stressful circumstances, leaders need to remember that not all risks are bad, not all opportunities for growth disappear, and a broad, externally focused perspective is more important than ever. This session will provide an overview of how school boards are ground zero for community engagement, the importance of positive messaging, efficient and professional board meetings, and high-performing Team of Eight lead with distinction. Contact Millie Klein or Rich Elsasser for more information. |
Tier 4: EISO
Tier 4 training provides support for Evaluating and Improving Student Outcomes (EISO). This training must include goal setting, monitoring, and accountability content that supports the oversight role of the board.
Evaluating and Improving Student Outcomes (EISO)In accordance with Texas Education Code §11.159, school district trustees are required to complete at least three hours of training on Evaluating and Improving Student Outcomes (EISO) once every two years. The State Board of Education (SBOE) adopted this training requirement in amendments to 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §61.1. The workshop focus is on evaluating student academic performance. If the EISO workshop is attended by the entire school board and its superintendent, includes a review of local school district data on student achievement, and otherwise meets the requirements of 19 TAC §61.1, this training will satisfy both the EISO workshop requirement and the team building training requirements concurrently, provided that the training complies with the Texas Open Meetings Act. |
Fulfill your school board training requirements
Connect with our Executive Director to learn more about our custom training.
Fulfill your school board training requirements
Need to get in touch?
Contact a member of our team for more information.
Rich Elsasser, 512-919-5301