Our Paraprofessional Institute is for anyone interested in becoming a teacher's aide. Our goal is to set up educational aides for success by providing relevant and scientifically-based strategies to assist in reading, writing, and math instruction. This three-day training also consists of an orientation to the role of paraprofessionals, a breakdown of the stages of learning, behavior basics, ethics, and more! This training is offered in-person and virtually, visit the E-Campus catalog to view dates and modes.
You will enjoy a fast-paced and informative three days which includes assessments, certifying that you're ready for the rewards of being an educational aide. The Texas Education Code (TEC) requires that all Title I schools employ a highly qualified workforce, including paraprofessionals, and we are ready to help you meet this requirement!
State Requirements
Our Paraprofessional Institute provides training, assessments, and a certificate that proves you are highly qualified to be hired as a paraprofessional. Our training also meets the requirements of The Texas Education Code (TEC) for Title 1, Part A Paraprofessionals. Upon completion of our institute, you will give your certificate from Region 13 to your school administration, who will then determine the level of Educational Aide certificate you may apply for through TEA. All paraprofessionals in a Title 1, Part A school must hold a high school diploma or GED.
Technology Requirements
This training is offered virtually through Zoom with a live instructor. For you to be able to fully participate and be as successful as possible, please review the technology requirements for the virtual training. Please have:
- a computer/tablet/laptop with speakers (or earphones), a microphone, a web camera, and internet access (a camera is mandatory as your face must be present during the training)
- a workspace with enough table room to write notes in the Paraprofessional Handbook that will be mailed to you
- basic knowledge of the Zoom online learning platform (an optional training session will be offered for those who are unfamiliar with Zoom)
- a pencil and extra paper
- an eagerness to learn!
The Paraprofessional Certification costs $300. Payments are made in E-Campus at the time of registration by way of credit card or a purchase order number. The cost includes the Paraprofessional Handbook that will be mailed to you.
Day One:
Day one covers the fundamentals of being a paraprofessional. You will learn about the roles, responsibilities, and history of paraprofessionals. Education law, accommodations and modifications, the writing process, and writing strategies will also be covered in depth.
Day Two:
We'll jump into some more complex aspects of teaching on day two, including differentiated instruction, RtI, learning strategies, stages of learning, continued work with the writing process, the basics of reading and writing, and conclude with reading and writing assessments.
Day Three:
On day three you'll hone your communication skills, learn the ins and outs of confidentiality, the TEKS and STAAR tests, some basics of behavior management, math instruction, and the certification process.
At the end of day three, you'll take and pass the final course test, certifying that you're ready for the rewards of a teacher's aide.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is a paraprofessional the same as a teacher's aide?
A: Yes. School districts across the U.S. refer to paraprofessionals by many names, such as educational aides, paraeducators, instructional assistants, and teacher's aides.
Q: What do paraprofessionals do?
A: Paraprofessionals work collaboratively with teachers to support students in schools. The role of the paraprofessional directly affects the quality of a student’s education. Teaching assistants fulfill a key support role in helping students succeed in the classroom and their responsibilities are many and varied.
Q: What will this certificate mean?
A: The Paraprofessional Institute certificate means that you are considered highly qualified to be hired and receive an Educational Aide certificate from the Texas Education Agency (TEA). You will give your certificate from Region 13 to your school administration who will determine what level of Educational Aide certificate you may apply. This training also meets the requirements for Title 1 paraprofessionals.
Q: What do I need to participate in the virtual training?
A: For the virtual training please have:
- a computer/tablet/laptop with speakers (or earphones), a microphone, a web camera, and internet access (a camera is mandatory as your face must be present during the training)
- a workspace with enough table room to write notes in the Paraprofessional Handbook that will be mailed to you
- basic knowledge of the Zoom online learning platform (an optional training session will be offered for those who are unfamiliar with Zoom)
- a pencil and extra paper
Q: Will this training be online or in-person?
A: This training is offered both online and in-person at Region 13. Please visit the E-Campus catalog by clicking “Learn More” to see which trainings are scheduled at this time.
Q: I don't live in central Texas, can I still take this training.
A: Yes! This training is for anyone in the state of Texas who wants to become a paraprofessional.
Q: As an administrator, how can I bring the paraprofessional certification training to my district?
A: Each paraprofessional certification training has a Training-of-Trainer option for district admin or designees. The TOT package includes the Paraprofessional Certification Training PowerPoint, handouts, testing materials, presenter notes, and 10 copies of the Paraprofessional Spiral Notebook (to be mailed within 2 weeks after the training session). TOT participants will also have Q&A time at the end of each day with the presenter.
The paraprofessional certification course is also open to district administrators or designees as a Training-Of-Trainers (TOT) in order to bring the training to their own district or campus. The TOT package includes the Paraprofessional Certification Training PowerPoint, handouts, testing materials, presenter notes, and 10 copies of the Paraprofessional Institute Handbook (to be mailed within 2 weeks after the training session). TOT participants will also have an opportunity to facilitate conversation during the training and have Q&A time at the end of each day with the presenter.
The pricing to attend as a TOT is $1,200.