Instructional Materials

  • Sept-Aug

According to the Texas Education Code 31.002, "Instructional Material" means content that conveys the essential knowledge and skills of a subject in the public-school curriculum through a medium or a combination of media for conveying information to a student. This includes use by teacher, principal, or student.

According to TEA, Instructional Materials are any medium or a combination of media that convey the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) of a subject in the public-school curriculum to a student, including materials such as lesson plans or grading rubrics. Texas Education Agency (TEA) supports and coordinates the review and approval of instructional materials by the State Board of Education (SBOE), as well as provides oversight for their statewide use. 

This page provides:

  • Guidance and context to the process for materials review while defining the relationship between High Quality Instructional Materials, Open Education Resources, and Bluebonnet Learning.
  • Information on Strong Foundations, LASO, and Research Based Instructional Materials.
  • Identifies the interaction between Texas Curriculum Management Program Cooperative (TCMPC), Texas Curriculum Resources (TCR), and TEKS Resource System (TEKS RS).

ESC Region 13 is positioned to assist each district with understanding, internalizing, and implementing High Quality Instructional Materials, along with the identified programs, products, and platforms. While the instructional materials decision is a local decision, Region 13 will support whichever choice is made by our districts.

Identifying the Connections