About the Teacher Incentive Allotment
The Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) provides districts with systems and funding to recruit promising new teachers, retain their best teachers, and incentivize teachers to work in high-needs schools and difficult to staff positions. Based on student growth and teacher performance, a TIA teacher designation system implemented with fidelity not only rewards our most effective teachers but has the potential to greatly improve student outcomes.
How ESC Region 13 can help
The Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) team at Education Service Center Region 13 offers ongoing, free support to districts and charters in the region as they develop and implement their local designation systems. The team works closely with district TIA contacts and their representatives, ensuring clear communication and collaboration throughout the planning process. There are several phases of support, including professional development, application submission, implementation support for data submission, system expansion/modification, and system renewal. This comprehensive support can be tailored to fit the diverse needs of districts and charters in the region and ensures they are equipped to navigate TIA and successfully develop a local designation system.
Reward teacher performance and improve student outcomes
Learn how the team at ESC Region 13 supports districts with the development of a successful TIA designation system.
View our Flyer to learn more
Phases of Support
1. Professional Development
We support district stakeholders in learning about TIA and how to implement it.
Audience: Principals, Teachers, and Central Administration
Support we provide: We provide professional development to staff/ stakeholders so they can learn about TIA and how to develop and implement a local designation system. We assist district staff in determining how TIA can work best for their district needs, and help the LEA plan their rollout of TIA. |
 2. Application Submission
We assist with the development and completion of the district application for TIA and the successful submission.
Audience: District TIA Planning Team
Support we provide: We help with the development of the application, review drafts, and provide feedback prior to submission. We also support the district in the submission of their application, including the supporting documentation, and revision if needed. |
 3. Implementation Support for Data Collection
We provide direct support to districts to ensure the data they submit for designations is valid, error free, and supports the district's local designation system for TIA.
Audience: Principals, Principal Supervisors, TIA Contact for the District
Support we provide: We help districts set up their systems (i.e. DMAC, Eduphoria, etc.) to collect teacher appraisal data and assist LEAs develop and establish any required new systems for the collection of student growth data.
We provide ongoing assistance with data review and provide feedback during the data collection year. We also assist districts with the successful submission of their data for review, including any needed error resolution. |
 4. System Expansion or Modification
We assist with the development and completion of the district application to expand or modify their approved TIA Designation System including changes to: eligible teaching categories, changing or replacing the teacher appraisal rubric, adding student growth measure, and/or modifying the spending plan.
Audience: District TIA Planning Team
Support we provide: We help with the development of the application, review drafts, provide feedback prior to submission, and provide the support needed to successfully implement any new components. We also support the district in the submission of their expansion application and the supporting documentation that must be submitted along with it. |
 5. System Renewal
We assist with the development and completion of the district application for the renewal of the local designation system and the successful submission.
Audience: District TIA Planning Team
Support we provide: We help with the review of the current system, development of the application, review drafts, and provide feedback prior to submission. We also support the district with the application submission, and revision if needed. |
Phases 1-5 Pricing
These grant-supported services are free-of-charge for districts and charters with an MOU for TIA services through Region 13.*
Pricing for Trainings Supporting TIA Implementation***
- SLO and T-TESS training: Free-of-charge for districts and charters with an MOU with Region 13 with the exception of a materials fee and a $50 travel fee.**
- Appraiser Calibration Training: $1000 for up to 12 participants, plus materials and a $50 travel fee.**
- Occasional Technical Support: Free-of-Charge for districts we are supporting, otherwise the pricing structure below applies.
Pricing for Other Fee Based Services
- ½ Day In-Person Rate - $700
- Full Day In-Person Rate - $1000
Need customized pricing?
Contact John Andrews at john.andrews@esc13.txed.net
*Limited availability and MOU required.
**Travel fee only applied if the training is delivered in person at the district.
***Pricing subject to change and availability.