This online, self-guided, full institute provides in-depth training on how to support students in 3rd-5th grade through biliteracy education. You will get the opportunity to explore all four language domains with a focus on reading and writing instruction that is designed specifically for students in a bilingual classroom. Also, you will build a deeper understanding for making metalinguistic connections and integrating sociocultural competence, which is necessary for success with biliteracy education. This training also provides the unique experience of attending professional learning that is truly designed with the bilingual teacher in mind and delivered in Spanish.
*Note: This training will be provided primarily in Spanish.
Part One
Los pilares del aula bilingüe (The Pillars for Bilingual Classrooms)*
Aprovechar el español (Taking Advantage of the Internal Structure of the Spanish Language)*
Part Two
Desarrollo de destrezas orales (Oral Skills Development)*
Ampliando nuestro vocabulario una palabra a la vez (Expanding Our Vocabulary One Word at a Time)*
Proximos pasos de la lectoescritura (Next Steps in Literacy Development)*