Biliteracy Institute K-5
- -
- Austin (Main Campus)
- 12 CPE Credits
- $400

This two-day series provides in-depth training on how to support Kindergarten through 5th-grade students as they develop their biliteracy skills. The sessions will provide an opportunity for participants to explore all four language domains with a focus on reading and writing instruction that is designed specifically for students in a bilingual classroom. Participants will also build a deeper understanding for making metalinguistic connections between English and Spanish and integrating sociocultural competence that is necessary for success in the bilingual classroom. Please note this course is presented in both Spanish and English.
Sections in this course include:
- Los pilares del aula bilingüe (The Pillars for Bilingual Classrooms)
- Aprovechar el español (Taking Advantage of the Internal Structure of the Spanish Language)
- Desarrollo de destrezas orales (Oral Skills Development)
- Conciencia fonológica (Phonological Awareness)
- Ampliando nuestro vocabulario
- Lectoescritura - lectura & escritura interactiva (Literacy Development - Interactive Reading and Writing)
- Desarrollo metalingüístico en español (Metalinguistic Development in Spanish)
- El proceso de la escritura (Writing Process)
- Taller de escritura (Writers Workshop)
- Lectura guiada (Guided Reading)
- Cross-linguistic Connections - Similarities between Spanish and English.