EGrant Training and Support

  • Sept-Aug
  • Free

Support for ESSA Consolidated Application and Compliance Report

If you seek support with the Title I, Part C MEP portions of the ESSA Consolidated Application and Compliance Report, look no further than Region 13 MEP. We offer various training and consultation services to help your district stay on track and comply with Title I, Part C federal regulations.

ESSA Consolidated Application Support

We provide comprehensive training and consultation to complete MEP portions of the ESSA Consolidated Application for Federal Funding. Our experienced team will help you navigate the complex application process and ensure your district can access the funding needed to support migratory students.

Compliance Report Support

In addition to application support, we offer training and consultation on the Title I, Part C MEP section of the ESSA Consolidated Compliance Report (PR1200). Our team will guide you through the compliance reporting process and provide valuable insights into best practices for ensuring your district complies with federal regulations.

Consultation for Validations

We understand that random validations can be a source of stress and confusion for districts. That's why we provide consultation to the selected LEAs for random validations before the submission due date. Our team will work closely with your district to ensure that all necessary documentation is in order and that you are fully prepared for the validation process.

Ongoing Technical Assistance and Support

Finally, we provide ongoing and continuous consultation and support for LEAs reporting "Not in Compliance" on LEA ESSA Consolidated Compliance Reports (PR1200 and the Title I, Part C-related section of PR3099). Our team will work with you to identify areas for improvement and develop strategies for addressing compliance issues.