Inspiring Teachers and Students through Creativity and Coding Curriculum
Enroll your district in the Apple Digital Skills and Coding Program
Apple and ESC Region 13 are seeking school districts in Region 13 to participate in a program that teaches digital skills and concepts to students while training school librarians to confidently lead STEAM lessons.
Program highlights include...
Digital creativity and computer science lessons for elementary and middle school students
In-class activities coordinated within the school day over six weeks
Additional after-school activities open to all students
Year-long PD and coaching offered through ESC Region 13 for librarians or designated school staff with graduate course credit provided
Access to mobile kit with iPads and instructional materials for a six-week period
Program Benefits
Participating Librarians and/or Teachers receive
CPE hours and graduate hours
Teacher iPad
PD hours, coaching, and cohort-based professional learning
Expectations: Commit to pre-and post-survey/questionnaire
Complete learning log and Apple teacher certification
year-long technical and instructional support, including:
Kick-off event hosted by ESC Region 13,
one-on-one coaching from an experienced mentor teacher, and
monthly virtual meetups with peer librarians and ESC Region 13 educators.
Districts receive
a mobile kit equipped with iPads and instructional materials,
instructional support from an experienced mentor teacher,
a professional learning program for school librarians or other school staff interested in becoming self-sufficient providers of STEAM lessons (no prior technical experience required), and
an opportunity to apply to continue or expand the Apple coding initiative next school year.
Students receive
lessons in digital creativity (videography, music, augmented reality, etc.)
units focused on coding and foundational concepts of computer science
a certificate of accomplishment
Q: How will districts or schools be selected?
Districts or schools will be selected based on demographic profile, percentage of students eligible for free and reduced lunch, socioeconomic status of the community they serve, and the order in which they apply. At this time, districts or schools must be located within Region 13.
Q: How many districts will be selected?
Our goal is six, but the actual number could vary based on schedule availability and the size of the districts participating.
Q: Does the entire district need to participate?
No. Individual schools are eligible to participate with the approval of the school principal.
Q: Who can participate in the professional learning program?
While the program is targeted toward school librarians, the program is open to any educator within the district.
Q: Is there any cost to participate?
No. There is no direct cost to participate, however, some local assistance may be needed in connecting the tablets to the network and moving travel cases from school to school. Librarians or other participating educators participate at no cost and CPE and graduate course credits are provided at no cost.
Q: What are the time requirements to participate in the professional learning program?
Participation in the program is designed to be integrated into the normal workday with only three exceptions: participating kick-off event, attending a monthly meeting for one hour during the evening, and a one-day mid-program workshop. All requirements for obtaining CPEs and graduate course credits are integrated into the program and do not require additional attendance.
Q: Are the graduate credits transferable?
Generally, yes. Many programs allow transfer credits from another institution; however, some do not. Check with your specific institution to determine eligibility and the amount of transfer credit allowed.
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