Non-Instructional Support for Migrant Students and Parents

  • Sept-Aug
  • Free

Coordinating and Providing Essential Resources

At the ESC Region 13 Migrant Education Program (MEP), we understand that academic success is not solely dependent on classroom instruction. That's why we go the extra mile to coordinate and provide non-academic supplemental support based on student needs, ensuring that migratory children have access to crucial resources and services.

Clothing, School Supplies, and Health Services

Through our comprehensive approach, we address the diverse needs of students by prioritizing identified Priority for Service (PFS) students. We offer assistance in obtaining clothing, school supplies, and access to health and medical services. Our priority is ensuring every child has the tools and resources to thrive in their educational journey.

Guidelines for Supplant vs. Supplanting

Adhering to the guidelines for supplanting vs. supplanting, we prioritize the identified needs of students while ensuring that the supplemental support we provide does not replace existing services. We work collaboratively with schools, nurses, and parents to determine the appropriate level of support required for each student, ensuring that resources are allocated effectively and efficiently.

Empowering Parents Through Training

We believe that parents play a vital role in addressing the identified needs of their children. That's why we coordinate and provide training sessions to empower parents to access the necessary resources and services. By equipping parents with the knowledge and skills to navigate available support systems, we enable them to advocate for their child's needs effectively.

Post-Secondary and High School Equivalency (HSE) Programs

For secondary-aged migratory students and parents, we take pride in coordinating and providing vital information about post-secondary education and high school equivalency (HSE) programs. We ensure that students and parents are aware of graduation requirements, explore dropout recovery programs, and understand the options available for pursuing HSE or college entrance exams such as SAT/ACT. Our aim is to support students in making informed decisions about their educational and career pathways.

Enabling Success Beyond the Classroom

At the ESC Region 13 Migrant Education Program (MEP), our commitment goes beyond academic excellence. We strive to provide the necessary support and resources to empower migratory students and their parents. By coordinating supplemental support, empowering parents through training, and equipping students for their future, we aim to enable success far beyond the classroom.