Professional Learning Communities (PLC) Custom PD

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  • Custom Pricing

Unlock the potential of your PLC teams with our expertly designed PLC workshops. Choose from the following menu, or contact us to customize your professional learning to your campus and district needs.

Key Workshop Offerings

  • PLC Foundations/PLC Refresh: Reinforce the core principles of PLCs or rejuvenate your existing PLC practices.
  • Coaching PLC Teams (2-day workshop): Equip your instructional coaches and team leaders with the skills needed to effectively utilize a coaching cycle and build the capacity of PLC teams.
  • Leading Effective and Engaging PLCs: A training for campus and teacher leaders that focuses on tools and strategies for leading and facilitating PLC teams.
  • The Practical Approach to PLC: Gain practical strategies and tools for implementing and sustaining effective PLCs.
  • Analyzing Student Work and Taking Collective Action (half-day): Develop the ability to collaboratively analyze student work and take decisive, collective action for improvement.