Restorative Peer Mediator Program
- Jan. 10
- $5,000

Restorative Practices focus on repairing harm, encouraging students to take responsibility for their actions and avoid such behavior. Peer Mediation is the process where students voluntarily facilitate these discussions and explore how best to take matters forward peacefully.
- 1-day kick-off open to all districts for training. The audience would include the faculty and staff moderators for the Restorative Peer Programs. The focus will be to understand the 11 essential elements of RP based on IIRP methods to create a peer program with a combination of responsive circles and conferencing that allows older students (5th grade, middle & high school) to hold each other accountable. The program aims to help peers restore relationships and repair harm as needed.
- 1 day of in-person on-campus training. The audience would include the Restorative Practice Team that attended the kickoff and the students selected to be on the Peer Mediation Team. The focus will be on understanding that conflict occurs and how to develop peaceful ways to deal with conflict using Restorative tools like responsive circles and conferences.
- 3 in-person campus visits. These days may be used to hold interviews for the student selection process (before the on-campus training), meeting with the students selected to facilitate the program and moderator(s) of the Restorative Peer Conferencing. The location and agenda for the day will depend on campus needs.
- 1 virtual network visit facilitated by Region 13 for campus staff moderators of the peer conferencing groups to allow the team members to ask questions, raise concerns, and share how the program is progressing.