Restorative Practices: Custom PD
- 4 days
- Custom Pricing
Restorative Practices flip the script on traditional behavior management by focusing on community building and the development of strong and powerful relationships, not just punishment. With Restorative Practices in the classroom, you challenge your students to understand how their actions affected others and why they might have taken those actions. By doing this, you focus on repairing social injury and damage, and empowering students to be the best they can possibly be.
Our Restorative Practices service is a practical approach for educators interested in implementing a behavioral process that proactively builds positive school communities while dramatically reducing discipline referrals, suspensions and expulsions.
Our Professional Development
Our specialists work with your campus and district to bring high quality professional development to your staff members. Our traditional program involves four days of training where you'll learn the fundamentals of restorative practices in the classroom and how to implement them successfully on your campus.
Days one and two
On the first two days we'll develop your campus vision, mission, and plan for implementing Restorative Practices. We'll focus on how to implement Restorative Practices in the classroom with affective language, impromptu conferences, and proactive circles.
Day three
We'll discuss how to implement restorative practices in the office. We'll start by establishing a clear understanding of the 9 affects of RP, the compass of shame, and the social discipline window.
Day four
For our final day of training we'll cover reintegration circles and Tier 2 targeted group circles. We'll discuss the last of the essential elements of Restorative Approach with Families. Then our team will evaluate your implementation of Restorative Practices and develop or revise your plan for the next year of implementation.