State Compensatory Education Cooperative
- 9/1/24 - 8/31/25
- $1,000 per LEA
The State Compensatory Education/Special Allotment Cooperative is designed to provide school personnel in ESC Region 13 with information and insight on select topics related to the administration of state compensatory education, provide additional one-on-one guidance for your primary contact, and personalized training for your team.
Education Service Center Region 13 agrees to the following:
- offer two days of training that supports SCE directly for district/charter personnel;
- support personnel by phone, virtually, and in person as needed;
- provide guides and templates for Administrators relating to key provisions and strategies for implementation of State Compensatory Education;
- provide updates for Administrators pertaining to selected topics, including State Compensatory Education program implementation;
- provide two on-site consultations with district or campus administrators, such as review, evaluation, and revision of District/Campus Improvement Plans, job descriptions/duties, and allowable activities for the State Compensatory Education allotment;
- select session speakers based on expertise and topic knowledge;
- provide ample opportunity to discuss targeted topics and other critical issues.
Each participating school district/charter agrees to the following:
- appoint a State Compensatory Education/Special Allotment contact person;
- attend each session to the extent possible;
- assist in preparations for technical assistance sessions, such as preparing files for review and coordinating with additional Administrators with duties related to the focus of the technical assistance sessions.