Lunch & Learn: Play Therapy for All Ages!
- Online
- 1 CPE Credits
- Free

Come join us virtually over your lunchtime and learn about play techniques for students of all ages. Play therapy is not just for young children - it's for everyone! From imaginative play to art and movement activities, this interactive session will provide practical strategies to participants for incorporating play into your work with youth. Get ready for a fun and informative session that will leave you with a new toolbox of therapeutic play ideas!
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the benefits of play therapy for students of all ages and how it can be used as a therapeutic tool.
- Learn and practice various play techniques that can be used with elementary, middle, and high school students.
- Discover how games can be used therapeutically in group work.
- Develop confidence and creativity in using play as a means of fostering connection and emotional expression with students.