WBSCM Ordering Lab - Austin
- Austin (Main Campus)
- 2 CPE Credits
- $50
This open lab provides child nutrition directors with hands-on support for navigating and utilizing the new Web-Based Supply Chain Management system for ordering USDA foods. Drop in at your convenience to receive personalized assistance and guidance on effectively managing your USDA foods orders.
Important Information
- FREE for CNP Contracting Entities: All classes are complimentary for TDA Food & Nutrition Program Contracting Entities.
- $50 Registration Fee for FSMC Employees: FSMC attendees must pay a $50 fee to participate and must be accompanied by the district staff person responsible for contract management and oversight. The fee cannot be charged to the nonprofit school lunch program or covered with federal nutrition funds.
Registration Details and Instructions
ESC Region 13 Child Nutrition training classes are designed to support district staff operating Child Nutrition Programs with essential professional development.
- FSMC Attendance Policy: Each district is permitted to bring one FSMC employee, who must be accompanied by the district staff person overseeing the FSMC contract.
- Payment Information: FSMC employees must pay a $50 participation fee during registration.
- District Staff Fee Waiver: District employees may attend all training classes at no cost. Use the code DISTRICTSTAFF at checkout to waive the fee.