Early Childhood Instructional Coaching Services
- 15 hours
- $2,500
- Annual Service Contract (ASC)
*Our early childhood coaching support meets the requirements outlined in HB 3’s high quality Pre-K requirements for teacher qualifications.
Instructional coaches work one-on-one with early childhood teachers, providing guidance, training, and other resources needed to boost their students' success. Our instructional coaching specialists work with your campuses and districts to set goals and refine instructional practices that impact student achievement.
We collaborate with your campus leaders and staff members to improve your instructional practices with best-practice research, strategies, and resources. Our process is designed to meet your students' unique needs, and to work alongside of you as you focus on student learning, plan effective instruction, align your resources, facilitate instructional practices, analyze data, and increase student success.
Our Coaching Options:
Face-to-Face (F2F): Contract with a coach to work face-to-face with you through the coaching cycle. Additional support is provided via email, phone, or other remote options such as Zoom.
Virtual Coaching: Contract with an instructional coach to view classrooms securely and remotely using Sibme platform. Together, we schedule times for learning and collaboration.
Blended Coaching: Contract with a coach for a blend of face-to-face and virtual communication when face-to-face time is not required or always an option. Together, we schedule times for learning and collaboration either in person or virtually.
Specialized Coaching: Specialized Coaching assists teachers in applying a specific skill, resource, or tool that they have learned during professional development. Most of the time, this type of coaching is used after a district-mandated professional development to assist teachers with the implementation of a new initiative. The coach can model the strategy with the “I do, we do, you do” approach and collect data on implementation throughout the process.
During Specialized Coaching, the coach:
- Focuses on agreed-upon skill
- Provides specific technical feedback
- Practices being mindful, not evaluative
- Focuses on building trust and maintaining a confidential relationship with the coaches, which might evolve into instructional coaching