Resources Library

Showing 12 of 63 results.
  • Website

    Accommodation Central

    We want all of our students to learn and succeed. With the appropriate, successfully implemented accommodations, students can reach their fullest potential. However, finding current information about accommodations can be challenging, confusing, and complicated. Our mission is to provide everything you need in one place: accommodations that support student learning, relevant examples, steps for implementation, practical tips, and details about state testing allowability.

    View Website Details: Accommodation Central
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    STEM Activities Choice Boards

    Teachers, parents, families, and home guardians all play a critical role in STEM career exploration. Everyday activities, tasks, and objects allow for home-based learning experiences that can connect student interests, everyday activities, and curiosities to STEM education.

    View Printable Details: STEM Activities Choice Boards
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    History Lab: US Immigration Policy

    Explore the US immigration policy throughout the ages with your students and uncover the legislative responses to various immigration acts in this downloadable social studies history lab.

    View Printable Details: History Lab: US Immigration Policy
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    History Lab: US Mexican War

    Explore the US Mexican War with your students and analyze the different reasons the US declared war on Mexico in 1846 in this downloadable social studies history lab

    View Printable Details: History Lab: US Mexican War
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    History Lab: Rise of New Right Conservatism

    The Rise of New Right Conservatism History Lab is designed for students in US History who are studying the 1970s - 1980s. During the lab, students examine eight sources to understand the conservative movement.

    View Printable Details: History Lab: Rise of New Right Conservatism
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    History Lab: Andrew Carnegie

    Explore the legacy of Andrew Carnegie with your students and debate what describes him best: philanthropist or Robber Baron in this downloadable social studies history lab.

    View Printable Details: History Lab: Andrew Carnegie