Services Library

Showing 6 of 30 results.
  • Consultations

    Child Find: Consultations

    Custom Dates


    We provide a special education consultation for local education agencies (LEAs) which are defined as districts and charters, community members, and families regarding the process of referring and identifying a student with disabilities.

    View Consultations Details: Child Find: Consultations
  • Professional Development

    TSVIs and COMS: Professional Development

    Custom Dates


    Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments (TSVIs) and Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialist (COMS) serve students with visual impairments, ages birth to 22, who have a broad range of visual, cognitive, and physical abilities and may require support in the home, school, and community.

    View Professional Development Details: TSVIs and COMS: Professional Development
  • Professional Development

    Speech-Language Pathology: Custom PD


    We provide customized training for campuses, districts, and charters to support your speech-language pathology programs. Districts and charters can request individualize professional development to address the topics of greatest need for their educational team.

    View Professional Development Details: Speech-Language Pathology: Custom PD
  • Service

    Coaching Classroom Management

    Custom Dates


    A classroom management system is crucial to supporting the academic achievement of our students. We know that teachers who spend less time dealing with disruptions are able to spend more time engaged in the business of teaching. With our coaching classroom management service, we will provide direct support to teachers in improving their classroom management system and techniques.

    View Service Details: Coaching Classroom Management
  • Service

    Restorative Practices

    Aug - Sept

    Custom Pricing

    Restorative Practices flip the script on traditional behavior management by focusing on community building and the development of strong and powerful relationships, not just punishment. With Restorative Practices, you challenge your students to understand how their actions affected others and why they might have taken those actions

    View Service Details: Restorative Practices
  • Program Support

    Autism/Developmental Disabilities Specialists: Program Support


    Supporting all of our students with autism and developmental disabilities across our region is one of our critical goals. We bring qualified specialists to your districts and campuses to help with increasing academic, behavior, communication, and social skills goals and provide support in teaching students with developmental disabilities and autism.

    View Program Support Details: Autism/Developmental Disabilities Specialists: Program Support