Services Library

Showing 6 of 54 results.
  • Service

    School Board Training

    Custom Dates

    We work with your school board members to offer up custom school board training that satisfies this requirement and is open to any interested party, including current and prospective board members.

    View Service Details: School Board Training
  • Coaching

    MakerHappen: Coaching


    Whether you currently have a Makerspace on your campus or you are looking to create one, our coaches can help. Our coaches are always non-evaluative and take a partnership approach to coaching. We will come to your campus ready to provide specialized coaching

    View Coaching Details: MakerHappen: Coaching
  • Cooperatives

    Homeless Education Coop (McKinney-Vento)

    Custom Dates


    Our Homeless Education Cooperative meets several times during the year. Homeless liaisons, administrators, counselors, and other interested school staff have the opportunity to learn more about critical topics related to homelessness and network with each other.

    View Cooperatives Details: Homeless Education Coop (McKinney-Vento)
  • Professional Development

    Behavior Coach Endorsement Program



    The Behavior Coach Endorsement Program is a yearlong, 240-hour training program for administrators, counselors, teachers, and paraprofessionals who wish to become behavior specialists. The program is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively support students with challenging behaviors.

    View Professional Development Details: Behavior Coach Endorsement Program
  • Service

    Turnaround Leadership Profiles through Behavior Event Interviews


    To help your leaders, our specialists utilize a behavior event interview (BEI) process to develop Turnaround Leadership Profiles. These profiles provide a detailed analysis of research-based competencies known to be effective in turnaround settings.

    View Service Details: Turnaround Leadership Profiles through Behavior Event Interviews
  • Service

    Instructional Coaching Services


    Instructional coaches work one-on-one with teachers, providing guidance, training, and other resources needed to boost their students' success. Our instructional coaching specialists work with your campuses and districts to set goals and refine instructional practices that impact student achievement.

    View Service Details: Instructional Coaching Services