Services Library

Showing 12 of 195 results.
  • Program Support

    Restorative Peer Mediator Program

    Jan. 10


    Restorative Practices focus on repairing harm, encouraging students to take responsibility for their actions and avoid such behavior. Peer Mediation is the process where students voluntarily facilitate these discussions and explore how best to take matters forward peacefully.

    View Program Support Details: Restorative Peer Mediator Program
  • Cooperatives

    Multilingual Cooperative

    Custom Dates


    Professional development opportunities bilingual/ESL workshops, program assistance, access to guest speakers and presentations, program reviews, and audits.

    View Cooperatives Details: Multilingual Cooperative
  • Cooperatives

    Leadership Collaborative Network

    12 Months

    Custom Pricing

    The Region 13 Leadership Collaborative Network offers a tailored platform for principals and assistant principals to explore essential leadership practices and foster informed decision-making for their campuses. Through this collaborative model, participants e

    View Cooperatives Details: Leadership Collaborative Network
  • Cooperatives

    Leadership and Character Development Network

    20 days


    This program nurtures positive character traits and personal skills, aligns with the Whole Person Framework, and ensures strong curriculum delivery and student standards for a holistic educational experience.

    View Cooperatives Details: Leadership and Character Development Network
  • Professional Development

    Schools of Care


    A unique system of support designed to encourage self-care in schools, combat teacher attrition, and provide personalized professional development opportunities for the well-being of educators and students alike.

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  • Service

    The Whole Person Framework

    The Whole Person Framework fosters interconnectedness and unleashes unlimited potential by embracing strengths over deficits, providing comprehensive support from cradle to grave, and synergizing six critical elements for holistic development of all individuals.

    View Service Details: The Whole Person Framework
  • Professional Development

    EUREKA Custom Training



    Eureka Math TEKS Edition (K-5) is a High-Quality Instructional Material (HQIM) designed to meet the diverse needs of all students through effective Tier 1 instruction. Our custom trainings are designed to empower teachers with the knowledge and tools necessary to deliver high-quality math instruction, foster conceptual understanding, and promote student engagement and productive struggle.

    View Professional Development Details: EUREKA Custom Training
  • Professional Development

    AMPLIFY Custom Training



    Amplify Texas Literacy (K-5) is a Science of Reading-based High-Quality Instructional Material (HQIM) program that offers comprehensive training for educators, equipping them with the necessary instructional strategies and best practices for effective implementation, while also providing leader-facing training for administrators and coaches.

    View Professional Development Details: AMPLIFY Custom Training
  • Professional Development

    Research-Based Instructional Strategies (RBIS) Custom Training


    Custom Pricing

    Our custom RBIS training program offers intensive and interactive courses tailored to Math or RLA, empowering educators with evidence-based techniques to enhance instructional effectiveness and foster meaningful learning outcomes while providing flexible scheduling options to meet your district's unique needs.

    View Professional Development Details: Research-Based Instructional Strategies (RBIS) Custom Training
  • School Operations

    Regional Teacher of the Year

    Celebrating Excellence in Education Explore the talents of educators in ESC Region 13! As autumn arrives, the Texas State Teacher of the Year Program celebrates outstanding educators, recognizing 40 Regional Teachers of the Year. This elite group includes two

    View School Operations Details: Regional Teacher of the Year