Services Library

Showing 12 of 54 results.
  • Professional Development

    Instructional Coaching Partnership Series

    6 half-days

    $360 per person

    Targeted professional learning for district and campus instructional coaches, specialists, and curriculum coordinators, focusing on enhancing coaching skills, leadership, and research-based instructional strategies.

    View Professional Development Details: Instructional Coaching Partnership Series
  • School Operations

    Superintendent of the Year

    Explore the educational accolades in ESC Region 13 and the state of Texas. TASB's Superintendent of the Year Program recognizes outstanding educational leaders since 1984.

    View School Operations Details: Superintendent of the Year
  • Program Support

    Student Leadership Development


    Region 13 offers programs dedicated to developing student leadership, working with Franklin Covey and utilizing the Leader in Me Extended Learning Time curriculum to support students and staff.

    View Program Support Details: Student Leadership Development
  • Cooperatives

    Leadership Collaborative Network

    12 Months

    Custom Pricing

    The Region 13 Leadership Collaborative Network offers a tailored platform for principals and assistant principals to explore essential leadership practices and foster informed decision-making for their campuses. Through this collaborative model, participants e

    View Cooperatives Details: Leadership Collaborative Network
  • Cooperatives

    Leadership and Character Development Network

    20 days


    This program nurtures positive character traits and personal skills, aligns with the Whole Person Framework, and ensures strong curriculum delivery and student standards for a holistic educational experience.

    View Cooperatives Details: Leadership and Character Development Network
  • Professional Development

    Schools of Care


    A unique system of support designed to encourage self-care in schools, combat teacher attrition, and provide personalized professional development opportunities for the well-being of educators and students alike.

    View Professional Development Details: Schools of Care
  • Service

    The Whole Person Framework

    The Whole Person Framework fosters interconnectedness and unleashes unlimited potential by embracing strengths over deficits, providing comprehensive support from cradle to grave, and synergizing six critical elements for holistic development of all individuals.

    View Service Details: The Whole Person Framework
  • School Operations

    Regional Teacher of the Year

    Celebrating Excellence in Education Explore the talents of educators in ESC Region 13! As autumn arrives, the Texas State Teacher of the Year Program celebrates outstanding educators, recognizing 40 Regional Teachers of the Year. This elite group includes two

    View School Operations Details: Regional Teacher of the Year
  • Service

    Texas Principal Certification Network


    We are preparing future leaders to meet the constantly evolving challenges schools face. Join us for our January Cohort launch! Applications are due by May 5, 2024

    View Service Details: Texas Principal Certification Network
  • Service

    Assistant Principal Collaborative Network

    4 Meetings


    You don't have to navigate your assistant principal position alone. With our Assistant Principal Collaborative Network, you will share, learn, and discuss hot topics you are facing with colleagues.

    View Service Details: Assistant Principal Collaborative Network