Resources Library

Showing 12 of 96 results.
  • Spreadsheet

    Template for Estimating State Aid

    This template is designed to help develop annual budgets, monitor over/under state aid payments during the year, and for long-range planning, as it typically gives users the ability to project state aid for at least four subsequent school years.

    View Spreadsheet Details: Template for Estimating State Aid
  • Website

    The Teacher Toolkit

    We're sharing tools for novice and experienced teachers by using high quality videos and illustrations of tools teachers use everyday. The teachers and students you will see on the site are all from the Central Texas area and are all successful graduates of our certification program.

    View Website Details: The Teacher Toolkit
  • Website

    Accommodation Central

    We want all of our students to learn and succeed. With the appropriate, successfully implemented accommodations, students can reach their fullest potential. However, finding current information about accommodations can be challenging, confusing, and complicated. Our mission is to provide everything you need in one place: accommodations that support student learning, relevant examples, steps for implementation, practical tips, and details about state testing allowability.

    View Website Details: Accommodation Central
  • Powerpoint

    School Board Accountability Training Update Template

    Use this presentation template to present your 2022 district accountability data to your School Board. The max presentation time is 30 minutes, but can be adjusted to fit the time available for each district. This presentation contains slides for explaining

    View Powerpoint Details: School Board Accountability Training Update Template
  • Powerpoint

    Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR)

    This TAPR PowerPoint presentation template has been designed for both campus and district use. The template provides districts with a platform to easily convey the data reported in your TAPR

    View Powerpoint Details: Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR)
  • Printable

    STEM Activities Choice Boards

    Teachers, parents, families, and home guardians all play a critical role in STEM career exploration. Everyday activities, tasks, and objects allow for home-based learning experiences that can connect student interests, everyday activities, and curiosities to STEM education.

    View Printable Details: STEM Activities Choice Boards
  • Resource

    CCMR Tracking Sheet

    A free excel spreadsheet you can use to monitor the achievements of your students by cohort and track your CCMR indicators for Accountability purposes

    View Resource Details: CCMR Tracking Sheet