Services Library

Showing 12 of 21 results.
  • Professional Development

    Instructional Coaching Partnership Series

    6 half-days

    $360 per person

    Targeted professional learning for district and campus instructional coaches, specialists, and curriculum coordinators, focusing on enhancing coaching skills, leadership, and research-based instructional strategies.

    View Professional Development Details: Instructional Coaching Partnership Series
  • Cooperatives

    Leadership and Character Development Network

    20 days


    This program nurtures positive character traits and personal skills, aligns with the Whole Person Framework, and ensures strong curriculum delivery and student standards for a holistic educational experience.

    View Cooperatives Details: Leadership and Character Development Network
  • Professional Development

    Research-Based Instructional Strategies (RBIS) Custom Training


    Custom Pricing

    Our custom RBIS training program offers intensive and interactive courses tailored to Math or RLA, empowering educators with evidence-based techniques to enhance instructional effectiveness and foster meaningful learning outcomes while providing flexible scheduling options to meet your district's unique needs.

    View Professional Development Details: Research-Based Instructional Strategies (RBIS) Custom Training
  • Service

    Texas Principal Certification Network


    We are preparing future leaders to meet the constantly evolving challenges schools face. Join us for our January Cohort launch! Applications are due by May 5, 2024

    View Service Details: Texas Principal Certification Network
  • Service

    ESC Region 13's Blended & Personalized Learning Program

    ESC Region 13’s Blended & Personalized Learning Program, in partnership with the Charles Butt Foundation, is rethinking the way educators approach learning. Blended and personalized learning recognizes the unique needs and interests of each student and empowers educators to embrace new teaching methods and technologies, ultimately leading to improved student outcomes and a more engaging learning experience.

    View Service Details: ESC Region 13's Blended & Personalized Learning Program
  • Service

    Texas Principal Certification Testing Only

    This service is offered to candidates classified as a "finisher" from a previous program because they have completed all program requirements with the exception of passing the TExES (268) and/or PASL (368).

    View Service Details: Texas Principal Certification Testing Only
  • School Operations

    Annual Service Contracts/Commitment Forms


    Annual service contracts (aka commitments) to districts via the Contracks+ system. Our service offerings are visible in this system year-round and revised every spring in time for districts to plan their budgets for the upcoming school year.

    View School Operations Details: Annual Service Contracts/Commitment Forms
  • Service

    ESF Diagnostic Process

    Custom Dates


    The ESF Diagnostic Process is a collaborative approach to school improvement that changes the conversation from products and quick fixes to strategic key practices and long-term solutions.

    View Service Details: ESF Diagnostic Process