Services Library

Showing 12 of 53 results.
  • Service

    Impact Coaching Training


    In this two-day workshop, participants will learn and apply specialized coaching skills, tools, and competencies to utilize in the T-TESS and T-PESS observation cycles or any conversation about teaching and learning.

    View Service Details: Impact Coaching Training
  • Professional Development

    T-TESS Appraiser Calibration Training


    Provide participants with a deeper dive into the calibration process, allow them to engage in multiple calibration opportunities using a rubric and two different protocols, and continue to hone scripting and evidence collecting skill sets for TIA.

    View Professional Development Details: T-TESS Appraiser Calibration Training
  • Service

    ESC Region 13's Blended & Personalized Learning Program

    ESC Region 13’s Blended & Personalized Learning Program, in partnership with the Charles Butt Foundation, is rethinking the way educators approach learning. Blended and personalized learning recognizes the unique needs and interests of each student and empowers educators to embrace new teaching methods and technologies, ultimately leading to improved student outcomes and a more engaging learning experience.

    View Service Details: ESC Region 13's Blended & Personalized Learning Program
  • Service

    Texas Principal Certification Testing Only

    This service is offered to candidates classified as a "finisher" from a previous program because they have completed all program requirements with the exception of passing the TExES (268) and/or PASL (368).

    View Service Details: Texas Principal Certification Testing Only
  • Service

    Behavior Event Inventories

    One day

    $3,000 - $5,000

    The Behavior Event Interview (BEI) process is a specialized interview technique that captures detailed actions and thinking of candidates in past work events to assess readiness for the work of a turnaround principal or teacher leader and provide individualized supports for future leaders.

    View Service Details: Behavior Event Inventories
  • Program Support

    Educational Degree Pathways

    Abilene Christian University and Education Service Center Region 13 have partnered to offer a unique set of fully online courses for aspiring educators and exclusive pathways for education professionals in Central Texas.

    View Program Support Details: Educational Degree Pathways
  • Service

    Texas Educator Ethics Training


    Participants will learn how to avoid the pitfalls of the social-media landscape and will come away with an understanding of strategies to recognize, prevent, and respond to inappropriate conduct.

    View Service Details: Texas Educator Ethics Training
  • Program Support

    Classroom to Career

    The Classroom to Career Teaching Track provides students with the opportunity to pursue an educational career, and allows districts to invest in student talent to increase the pool of paraprofessionals and teachers within their district.

    View Program Support Details: Classroom to Career