Services Library

Showing 12 of 15 results.
  • Service

    Instructional Materials Adoption (IMA)


    The SBOE requires that all Proclamation 2021 pre-adoption samples of instructional materials submitted for adoption be made available to the public in physical, hard copy format consistent with actual materials that will be purchased and used in the classroom. Samples are only to be accessed for review purposes and may not be reproduced without the consent of the publisher.

    View Service Details: Instructional Materials Adoption (IMA)
  • Professional Development

    EUREKA Custom Training



    Eureka Math TEKS Edition (K-5) is a High-Quality Instructional Material (HQIM) designed to meet the diverse needs of all students through effective Tier 1 instruction. Our custom trainings are designed to empower teachers with the knowledge and tools necessary to deliver high-quality math instruction, foster conceptual understanding, and promote student engagement and productive struggle.

    View Professional Development Details: EUREKA Custom Training
  • Professional Development

    Research-Based Instructional Strategies (RBIS) Custom Training


    Custom Pricing

    Our custom RBIS training program offers intensive and interactive courses tailored to Math or RLA, empowering educators with evidence-based techniques to enhance instructional effectiveness and foster meaningful learning outcomes while providing flexible scheduling options to meet your district's unique needs.

    View Professional Development Details: Research-Based Instructional Strategies (RBIS) Custom Training
  • Program Support

    Targeted Instruction and Support for Migratory Students



    Targeted instruction and support to migratory students in K-12 through needs-based supplemental instruction, academic tool training, and appropriate supplemental instruction in core content areas, including tutoring and statewide student assessment tutorials, exclusively for SSA Member Districts.

    View Program Support Details: Targeted Instruction and Support for Migratory Students
  • Program Support

    Master of Education in Instruction and Learning

    Lamar Institute of Technology, Abilene Christian University, and Education Service Center Region 13 have partnered together to offer a unique experience for regional and district staff and community members starting on their educational journey.

    View Program Support Details: Master of Education in Instruction and Learning
  • Service

    Paraprofessional Certification

    3 days


    This three day certification training instructs you on the role of paraprofessionals, the stages of learning, and scientifically based strategies for paraprofessionals to assist in reading, writing, and math instruction.

    View Service Details: Paraprofessional Certification
  • School Operations

    Charter School Records Request

    Custom Dates


    We operate as a custodian of records for closed public charter schools throughout Texas. We manage student and personnel records from the following schools: 21st Century Academy of Science & Technology Corpus ChristiAcademy of Careers and TechnologiesAlpha Ch

    View School Operations Details: Charter School Records Request
  • Professional Development

    Content Areas: Custom PD


    Our content area teams can provide customized teacher professional development workshops for your staff. We partner with our districts to analyze student data and determine a focus for learning and support.

    View Professional Development Details: Content Areas: Custom PD
  • Consultations

    Content Area: Consultation


    We support our clients with meeting district and campus academic goals through our educational consulting services. We partner with stakeholders to analyze quantitative and qualitative data to determine a focus for services, and we collaborate to create a plan with action steps and support.

    View Consultations Details: Content Area: Consultation