Services Library

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  • Coaching

    Classroom Management Coaching Using the Tiered Pyramid Model

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    The Pyramid Model is a framework of evidence-based practices for promoting young children’s healthy social and emotional development and is divided into three tiers. Our early childhood education specialists support learning and implementation of the Pyramid Model through online support, online training, in-person training, and support through observations, modeling strategies, and implementation assistance for teachers.

    View Coaching Details: Classroom Management Coaching Using the Tiered Pyramid Model
  • Consultations

    Center-Based Classroom Setup Consultations

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    Centers are an integral part of any early childhood classroom. Classroom centers are where your kids go to learn and develop with meaningful, hands-on experiences. Our early childhood special education specialists help campuses and districts set up their classroom centers to ensure high-quality learning is happening every day.

    View Consultations Details: Center-Based Classroom Setup Consultations
  • Program Support

    Continuum of Services Review and Support


    We're here to help you implement each student's IEP in the least restrictive environment. Our team approach focuses on analyzing and identifying where your students receive the majority of their specialized services and supports. In addition, our team can assi

    View Program Support Details: Continuum of Services Review and Support
  • School Operations

    Vision, Hearing, Spinal Screening Certification and Re-Certification

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    The Texas Department of State Health Services is responsible for providing a certification program for spinal screening. Qualified individuals are trained to become certified school spinal screeners. The certification is valid for five years and may be renewed by attending and passing another certification training.

    View School Operations Details: Vision, Hearing, Spinal Screening Certification and Re-Certification
  • Program Support

    Development of District CTE Strategic Plan

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    Strategic plans are crucial parts of a district or campus' success plans. Our career and technical education specialists work with your district to develop a comprehensive CTE strategic plan, complete with clear mission, vision statement, timelines for strategy implementation and progress monitoring.

    View Program Support Details: Development of District CTE Strategic Plan
  • Program Support

    Accountability Measures Assistance: CTE


    Our CTE specialists understand the Results Driven Accountability system and collaborate with campuses and districts, providing strategies and assistance to improve student performance on STAAR for any districts involved in any level of intervention.

    View Program Support Details: Accountability Measures Assistance: CTE
  • Consultations

    Individual CTE Program Evaluation

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    Our CTE specialists will guide you through your annual evaluation, with a self-evaluation instrument as well as access to a data collection / online survey for parents and students involved in specific CTE programs on your campus.

    View Consultations Details: Individual CTE Program Evaluation